What is the largest bone in the foot?
Right…your heel bone, also known as the calcaneus. It absorbs all of your body’s weight each time you take a step, run or jump. So, is it any wonder that one of the most common foot ailments people have is heel pain?
A heel spur is the most common cause of heel pain. A heel spur is a calcium deposit that builds up over time as a response to all of that pressure put on the heel each day. It is very painful and you will struggle getting up in the morning or standing after a long period of sitting.
While a heel spur is the primary cause of heel pain, there are others: plantar faciitis, bursitis, nerve entrapment, stress fractures and ligament strains, to name just a few. To know which one is causing pain in your heel, consult with a podiatrist. Depending on your diagnosis, treatment may vary from simple stretching, orthotics (custom-made arch supports), injections or, in some cases, surgery.
For more information on how to prevent and treat heel pain, please download one of our free Special Reports.