How to Know if You're Dealing With NeuropathyJan 09, 2025Autonomic, motor, and sensory nerves can all suffer from neuropathy, resulting in a wide range of effects and symptoms. The most common place for observable neuropathy symptoms is in the feet, with diabetes being the most frequent cause of damage. Continue reading →
Life After an Achilles Tendon TearDec 05, 2024The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. An Achilles tendon rupture partially or completely tears the tough tendon tissue during an overstretching event. Recovery after a rupture is necessary but long. Continue reading →
My Child Is a Toe Walker — Should I Be Worried?Nov 11, 2024Should you worry if your child is a toe walker? The answer is usually “probably not,” but there are some rare exceptions. Most children outgrow the habit by the time they reach their second birthday.Continue reading →
Why Does It Feel Like There's a Pebble in My Shoe?Oct 18, 2024The sensation that you have a pebble in your shoe may result from, not surprisingly, a foreign object working its way inside your footwear. However, some foot conditions produce similar sensations without the presence of a stone or other object. Continue reading →
Every Weekend Warrior Should Know About These Foot Health HacksSep 16, 2024If you’re a weekend warrior, taking care of your feet might be the best way to keep active at the game as well as at home and work. Sports can increase the challenges of foot health. Here are some self-care hacks you should know. Continue reading →
How to Prevent Ankle Instability After a SprainAug 12, 2024Overstretched ankle ligaments need to fully recover to resist further sprain injuries in the future. Preventing ankle instability requires care during recovery, ranging from conservative treatment to surgical repair. Continue reading →
Why You Shouldn't Ignore Subtle Signs of a Foot FractureJul 25, 2024With 26 bones in each foot, you have potentially 52 places to suffer from a foot fracture. It’s not always easy to recognize minor injuries as fractures, while serious fractures could require extensive surgery to stabilize.Continue reading →
5 Ways Arthritis Can Affect Your FeetJun 24, 2024You might not think of feet as a main location for arthritis, at least not until they start to affect you. However, there are both general and specific ways that arthritis can affect your feet — medical issues that can slow you down without treatment.Continue reading →
How to Reduce Your Achilles Tendon PainMay 02, 2024Given the important role the Achilles tendon plays in movement, it’s obvious that tendon pain can impact your day. In many cases, rest and conservative care can get you back on your feet — literally — without discomfort or pain.Continue reading →
Warning Signs Your Child's Feet Aren't Developing ProperlyApr 01, 2024Children’s health issues are sometimes hard to recognize. This is true for many foot problems, and it may be up to you as a parent to recognize warning signs that your child’s feet aren’t developing properly.Continue reading →
Home Remedies for GoutMar 02, 2024There’s a very good reason why a gout attack feels as though you have sharp shards of crystal embedded in your big toe — and it’s because you do. Uric acid is a substance that forms these crystals when your body becomes saturated. Continue reading →
Here's How to Avoid NeuromaFeb 01, 2024A non-cancerous growth made of nerve tissue, neuromas can develop anywhere in the body. Morton’s neuroma is the most common, and it usually occurs between the third and fourth toes. Let’s look at how you can minimize your risk. Continue reading →
Stop Ignoring Your Ingrown ToenailJan 08, 2024Usually affecting the big toe, ingrown toenails develop in the skin at the side or corner of a toenail. Your ingrown nails likely won’t clear up without treatment, and they can get much worse when you ignore the care they need. Continue reading →
Is Plantar Fasciitis the Cause of Your Heel Pain?Dec 11, 2023Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain, and that pain can be sharp and severe. Doctors don’t always understand the causes, but there are treatments to ease the pain. Continue reading →
5 Ways Your Diabetic Foot Wound May Be TreatedNov 15, 2023Diabetes can be hard on your feet: Both nerves and blood vessels suffer from the effects of high blood sugar. Compromised blood supply, along with an inability to feel ulcers when they form, adds up to a potential health threat to your feet.Continue reading →
This Is the Virus that Causes WartsOct 01, 2023The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes plantar warts that form on the balls and heels of your feet. HPV enters your feet through cracks and cuts before forming warts that can be tender or painful, but otherwise not serious. Continue reading →
These Things Make It More Likely for You to Get GoutSep 01, 2023A result of an excess of certain chemicals in your body, gout is a painful form of arthritis that most commonly strikes your foot or ankle, though it can sometimes affect other joints. Fortunately, gout is easy to treat. Continue reading →
Why Do I Have Warts on the Bottoms of My Feet?Aug 01, 2023Warts on your feet can be hard, thick, and painful. They can bleed and make it difficult to walk. They may become a problem if you have nerve damage in your feet, since they can develop without you knowing. Continue reading →
The Importance of Good Running Shoes for RunnersJul 01, 2023The right running shoe often comes down to your personal choice. The shoe that feels great for you, day in and day out, while guarding you from injury and irritation and supporting your stride, is the right one — though it may not be easy to find. Continue reading →
The Importance of Taking Care of Your Child's FeetJun 01, 2023While you might associate visiting a podiatrist as part of an adult’s health care regimen, children’s feet need attention too. Taking care of your child’s feet at home may help put off specialist podiatry services until they’re older. Continue reading →
My Hammertoe Makes Wearing Shoes Painful: Can You Help?May 01, 2023A toe with an abnormal bend in its middle joint, hammertoe can be painful — and make shoe shopping more difficult. Other foot disorders like corns and calluses can exacerbate the problem. Learn how we can help.Continue reading →
Will My Toenail Fungus Go Away on Its Own?Mar 31, 2023While it’s easy to catch a toenail fungus, clearing it up is a slow process that needs your prolonged attention. Chances are, your condition won’t clear up without medication and consistent application over a period of months. Continue reading →
Why Diabetics Should Pay Extra Attention to Their Foot CareMar 06, 2023The damage caused by diabetes ravages through your body. High blood sugar takes a toll on both blood vessels and nerve tissue. Because your feet are at the end of the line, they suffer comparatively more from elevated glucose levels. Continue reading →
My Plantar Warts Are Painful: Can You Help?Feb 09, 2023When it comes to foot problems, plantar warts aren’t a serious problem unless they cause discomfort or pain. Caused by a viral infection, these warts often form where your foot experiences the greatest pressure, making the pain worse. Continue reading →
What Kind of Issues Can Flat Feet Cause?Jan 19, 2023You’re born with flat feet, and most people develop arches by the time they’re 6 years old. Some people never form arches, or their arches may collapse later in life. Flat feet can lead to pain and gait changes, but in many cases, they produce no symptoms.Continue reading →
Are You a Runner? Here's What You Should Know About Your Foot HealthDec 06, 2022Running is a great way to stay active, but it can take a toll on your feet, particularly if you’re a distance runner. You’ve likely already got a collection of foot health habits. Here’s what you should know about your foot health. Continue reading →
Why You Shouldn't Play Through a Sprained AnkleNov 01, 2022It doesn’t matter how old you are or at what level you play. Sprained ankles are the most common reason for missing out on sports participation. While you may be eager to get back in the game, playing through a sprained ankle is a bad idea. Continue reading →
What to Do About a NeuromaOct 04, 2022Nerves in your feet can develop a thick encasement of tissue in response to injury or irritation. Called a neuroma, the condition can cause chronic discomfort or pain that interferes with the normal movement of your feet. Continue reading →
Why Males Are More Likely to Get GoutSep 01, 2022The most common form of inflammatory arthritis, gout occurs in men at a much higher rate than in women. While it’s easy to treat, gout episodes start quickly and feature intense pain as a symptom. The joint of the big toe is most often affected. Continue reading →
How to Prevent a Sprained Ankle From Becoming a Chronic InstabilityAug 03, 2022A sprained ankle can be painful with a lengthy recovery time. Plus, if it doesn’t heal completely, it can lead to further ankle injuries and runs the risk of becoming a chronic instability. Both conservative and surgical treatments are possible. Continue reading →
5 Most Common Foot Injuries Seen in the Summer and How to Prevent ThemJul 01, 2022Everything changes come the summer. It’s time to get outside, go to the beach, enjoy the weather, and most of all get active. Sometimes this means your feet pay the price. Here are five common summertime foot injuries you can sidestep this year.Continue reading →
Is There Arthritis in Your Big Toe?Jun 15, 2022Arthritis in your big toe may not sound like a problem on par with knee or hip issues, but since the big toe must bend with every step you take, it’s potentially a painful condition that can seriously impair your ability to move.Continue reading →
Laser Away That Yellow Toenail Fungus Before SummerMay 24, 2022Sandal season is upon us. If toenail fungus has you worrying about the summer, it’s time to explore convenient, comfortable laser treatment. Continue reading →
29 Tips from Podiatrists for Managing Arthritis Pain in Your FeetJun 27, 2019“The feet are prime real estate for arthritis,” says Doug Tumen, DPM, board-certified podiatrist, author of Ask The Foot Doctor, and a founding partner of Hudson Valley Foot Associates. Each foot has 26 bones and 33 joints...Continue reading →
Do compression socks really work?Jun 27, 2019“Compression socks work by applying a constant pressure to the ankle and calf area,” explains Dr. Doug Tumen, a podiatrist at Hudson Valley Foot Associates in Kingston, New York, and the author of Ask the Foot Doctor:...Continue reading →
Tendonitis anyone?Aug 28, 2012If you follow any professional sport that involves running, you are likely to hear of a player who is suffering from tendonitis. But, what is it? And, do you have it? All muscles of your extremities (arms, legs, hands, feet, etc.) have tendons. Continue reading →
Walk This WayAug 21, 2012America is exercise crazy! We Zumba, yoga, hip-hop, box, triathalon, boot camp, and sweat-to-the oldies. But one of the easiest, most inexpensive and enjoyable exercise forms is walking. It’s a great way to lose weight, stay fit,and enjoy life. Continue reading →
When Your Heels HurtAug 14, 2012What is the largest bone in the foot? Right…your heel bone, also known as the calcaneus. It absorbs all of your body’s weight each time you take a step, run or jump. So, is it any wonder that one of the most common foot ailments people have is heel pain? Continue reading →